Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Chiropractic: 5 Components of Vertebral Subluxation

Vertebral subluxation can arise due to three primary reasons: physical, emotional and chemical stresses that we encounter in our day-to-day activities. Chiropractors often counsel patients taking these factors into consideration based on health concepts such as nutrition, exercise, changes in lifestyle, and stress management in order to preserve and restore the overall health.

1. Physical: neglected injury, repeated motions, chronic poor postures, ergonomically unfriendly seating at the office, prolonged slouching before computer, lifting heavy objects, not warming up and stretching sufficiently before and after workouts and sports, automobile accidents, and even while playing with children.

2. Chemical: may range from poor dietary habits and lifestyles, lack of nutritional intake, frequent eating of processed food and colas, snacking on unhealthy short eats, overeating of calorie-laden food, alcohol addiction, drug abuse, and accumulation of chemical toxins in the food, polluted air, electromagnetic emissions from mobile phones and contamination of drinking water.

3. Emotional: Stress has become the password of this age-a gift of the mechanized world-excessive competition, unattainable high goals and too many options are some of the stressors. Actually speaking, stress is the wear and tear our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing environment; it has physical and emotional effects on us and can create positive or negative feelings.

The Five Components of Vertebral Subluxation:

Subluxation complex may start with local pain and interfere with or impede the function of the nervous system, integrate with the joints and muscles resulting in the optimal function of the body.

A professionally trained Chiropractor can conduct an accurate detection, evaluation and correction of the Vertebral Subluxation Complex. Adjusting the spine or the band-aid approach is one method of treating vertebral subluxation.

Vertebral Subluxation Complex is broken down into five components based on the effect it has on the body.

1. Kinesiopathology or spinal pathomechanics: This condition affects the normal position of vertebral alignment / asymmetry, resulting in irregular motion. This creates mechanical stress and joint sprain or vertebral decay.

2. Myopathology: Pathological changes occurring in the spinal muscles result in hyper tonicity, muscle spasm, fibrosis, muscle weakness, arrested development of the tissues and long term inappropriate functioning of the spine.

3. Neuropathology or Neuropathophysiology: Irritation or injury to spinal nerve roots through choking, compression, stretch or chemical irritation from improperly positioned spinal structures inflicting chronic pain. It damages nerve at the traumatized site as well as peripherally disturbing the transmission of data from the brain to the body.

4. Histopathology: Inflammation, edema and swelling of tissue, usually local to the traumatized area. Pathological changes which occur to the spinal tissues such as abnormal bony growths on the vertebral bodies and joints, fibrosis and adhesions of spinal muscles and ligaments, as well as dehydration and degeneration or bulging of spinal discs.

5. Pathophysiology or Pathology: From the chiropractic viewpoint the pathoanatomical trauma due to the previous four components results in deteriorating spinal function or "abnormal orthopedic functional programs" mediated by gravitational stress (adaptation) and by the adaptation needs of the nervous system.

Clinically, subluxation is similar to dental cavities; in both cases a significant amount of damage is done before the pain arises. Seek periodic spinal checkups by a professional chiropractor to assess for subluxation.


Subluxation can be compared to a steering wheel that is stiff and that does not turn to its full capacity, it is "subluxated" and can lead to an accident. A good chiropractor will treat not only the symptoms but also the root cause for the vertebral subluxation. Apart from the treatment, with his/her advice you can make changes to your lifestyle so that future instances of vertebral subluxation can be avoided and save yourself from a lot of pain.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Golf: Wrist Injuries and How to Keep Them at Bay

Wrist injuries can occur not only in the beginners but also in the professional golfers so much so that the wrist has become the subject of discussion among golf enthusiasts. Golf injuries of the wrist are rare, but when they do occur they can be devastatingly similar to that of frozen wrists in people who work for long hours on the computer.

The pain is excruciating and can cripple your hand movement if not given timely attention. In case of a back spasm, it is still possible to play with a corset brace. In case of an ankle sprain, it is still possible to take the cart practically up to the ball and play. In case of an elbow injury, it is still possible to swing the club and hit the ball. Whereas, in case of a wrist injury, it is simply not possible to pick the club. Even if an injured golfer picks the swing it, his fear will prevent him from going further and he will flinch or drop the club. Wrist pain can be very disabling and can make playing golf impossible.

The 2 major types of injuries of the wrist in golfers are:

1) Tendonitis (inflammation of the tendon). Due to overuse of the wrist flexor muscles the tendons get stretched out causing chronic pain, tenderness and inability to move the wrist. Apart from age, bad golf mechanics or inadequate strength or a wrong grip, too much stress on the collagen fibers of the tendons around the wrist causes a micro-rupture of the fibers.

2) Ulnar-Carpal (wrist) joint injuries. The strain arising out of over swinging of the club can tear or over-stretch the ulnar (outside) ligament causing pain. As long as the wrist is locked when you hold a club, it doesn't hurt but once you swing the club, the pain arises.

How do wrist injuries occur and how to keep them at bay while playing golf?

• Over swinging: of the club and exerting your wrists to its maximum capacity.

• Casting the club: In an attempt to get more power and distance, there is a conscious attempt to hinge or cock the wrist this quick rolling has an impact on the forearm.

• Weak grip: Most beginners who have not developed adequate forearm power end up with a weak wrists or grip strength. This is because the tendons work harder to keep the wrist steady during the swing.

Like any other form of exercise, sufficient warming up and stretching is mandatory before and after a game of golf to keep the muscles in shape. If you hurt yourself while playing, stop immediately and apply ice on the area. Continuing to play can cause more harm. It is advisable to start with the most reliable RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) method of treatment to relieve pain. Other possible treatments for a speedy recovery include pain relievers, absolute rest of the injured area, physical therapy, ultrasound and surgery in worst cases.

Some quick tips on rehabilitation:

• It is important to consult a chiropractor more specifically, one who specializes in golf and related injuries.
• Change of equipment from a heavier to a lighter one, will decrease the weight of the club and thereby reduce the stress.
• Developing strong core muscles will engage the larger muscle groups and enable the body to help swing the club.

After recovery from golf injury, visit a chiropractor to make sure that you are completely healed and also for tips on injury-free golfing.

Friday, September 24, 2010

30 Point Analysis of Golf Body Screen

Most of you would have wished that you could play like Tiger Woods while out golfing with friends. Fortunately, with the help of Golf Body Screen, that is an attainable goal. Golf is a strenuous game that requires you to be at your physical peak to avoid injuries to the wrist, shoulder, hand, back, elbows etc. Today, alternative medicines like chiropractic which is a form of manipulating the spine and nerves ensure that you can be in control of your body once again.

Improving your game and avoiding injuries requires you to follow a set of customised exercises which have been prescribed for you. The chiropractor first studies your full swing by doing a Golf Body Screen to identify your mistakes.

Dynamic & static posture

Posture refers to the body's alignment with respect to earth's gravity. A good posture ensures even distribution of this force so that no part gets over-stressed. When you are still, your body is in a static posture and when in motion, your body has a dynamic posture. Poor posture can have a negative impact on your game in addition to other health complications.

Weight distribution

It is important that your stance during the swing should be such that your body weight gets distributed under your feet and you have a slight bend forward with a knee flex. Incorrect weight distribution can place the ball at a wrong distance leading to a poor shot.

Weight transfer

For a powerful and accurate shot, you have to transfer your weight from one side to other while keeping the other parts of the body still. When weight transference is done improperly, your swing will suffer and the shot will not be accurate. A chiropractor can analyze your mistakes and suggest techniques to ensure that you learn how to shift your weight properly.

Swing center movement

There should be very less movement to the swing centre for proper contact.

Centre of gravity positions

Centre of gravity refers to the point where a body can be perfectly balanced. A slight change in its position can have a major effect on your stability, thus affecting your swing.


Another factor to check is the rotation of your body. If this is done incorrectly, your swing will lack power and also cause injuries. A Golf Body Screen will determine if you are rotating your body incorrectly.

Wrist movements

Since golf is a game of power and strength, weak wrists will spoil your shot at the time of impact. There are many exercises to strengthen your wrists. Before commencing on an exercise routine, consult a qualified practitioner to avoid aggravating any existing physical condition.

Head movement

Many golfers make the mistake of allowing their head to shift laterally and away from the center of the body after commencing the swing. It is advisable to keep your head still when the ball is being hit so that it lands at the right spot.

Spine angles

As your spine angle needs to be fixed even though your body tilts during the swing, your body needs to be flexible enough to maintain the correct posture.

A perfect golf swing is a series of biomechanical movements executed accurately. If you are interested in achieving a perfect golf score, do consult a good chiropractor who will study your swing phase by phase and instruct you on the right technique. Once you receive quality guidance, do practice these movements regularly to make your swing perfect.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tips on Golf Exercise That Can Change Your Score

Chiropractors can help golfers to enhance the quality of the game they play. They analyze the physique of the golfer through golf shape Rx and golf body screen and shortlist the golf exercise that could provide golf fitness to the golfer.

Golfer's Dream

Every golfer dreams of playing the best and most fit game. The game demands fitness with flexibility and stamina. A good physique is a must, and can only be attained through exercises. The chiropractor can analyze your physique and prescribe the best course of golf exercise to overcome your physical limitations.

Exercises for Golf Fitness

First your physical limitations should be identified before adapting to a regular exercise schedule. For muscle flexibility and stamina, stretch between each exercise. These warm-ups stabilize your neuromuscular system and ensure golf fitness. Your physical and mental strength are both interlinked. When well coordinated, it can easily help to overcome tiredness and weakness.

Simple Golf Exercise Tips

For perfect golf fitness, chiropractors suggest a few tips for golfers.

a. Walking - tones your heart by strengthening the cardiovascular muscles.
b. Stretches - helps you to warm-up and pushes your performance to the best level
c. Body twist - develops your core and empowers your swing as you twist your torso at hip level with a club in the hands at chest level.
d. Lunges - strengthens your thighs and legs - with one leg forward, bent at knees and the other stretched out touching the ground.
e. Back swing with clubs and weights - stretches the muscles of the core.

For a Good Core Stretch

To keep your game fresh, precise and controlled, you need to do the following:-

1. Exercise your back

The rowing exercises on a seated row machine improve your posture and strengthen the back muscles. At each repetition, squeeze your stomach muscles and exhale. Sit upright throughout the 12 to 24 repetitions.

2. Exercise your arms

This improves your golf swing by increasing your arm strength. Using a barbell, do a 90 degree bend, and stretch each arm by lying flat. With dumbbells at the shoulder, lift overhead with palms facing each other for 12 to 20 repetitions.

3. Exercise your legs

Your legs are the powerhouse and balance toward a good swing. To develop the leg muscles use the incline sled machine and push weights up the incline with your legs; repeat 10 times with each leg. Sit with straightened legs, extend and contract 10 to 15 times.

4. Exercise your abs

Your mid-section supports your back and provides stability for a strong swing. With barbells in hand, stand straight and lift overhead. Direct your mid-section muscles up towards the spine. Take deep breaths to pull your tummy in, hold longer. Doing this 15 to 20 times strengthens your abs.

5. Exercise your wrist

A strong wrist leashes out the power generated by your body for a powerful golf swing. Rotate the hip and the upper torso for a forward swing. Hold the club without wobbling. Mimic your swing to hit a ball. Do weight lifting to exercise your wrist.

6. Exercise your brain for mental fitness

Regular physical exercises provide greater blood flow to the brain and thereby increase your memory.

Chiropractors and golf exercise:

Chiropractors can put you on an golf exercise spree during the off season and help you to develop your physique. Exercises will increase your mobility and flexibility. These motivate your upper and lower body muscle stamina.

Take your chiropractors advice, improve your golf fitness, and play a great game!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Golf - Physical Factors That Influence Your Swing

If you are a golfer then this is good news to you. You can improve you golfing skills with the help of a chiropractor. A chiropractor can run a golf shape Rx and a golf body screen and identify the physical factors that are not conducive toward a perfect game. Through simple golf exercises a chiropractor can help you overcome these hurdles and help you deliver a flawless swing and ensure golf fitness.

The five factors that control the ball flight

As we are all aware there are five factors that control ball flight. These five factors have a direct impact on your game.

- Club face alignment

- Swing path

- Angle of attack

- Hitting the sweet spot

- Club head speed

Even if any one of these is affected, it will lead to swing faults. But all these five factors are closely associated with your physical fitness factors.

An overview of how the muscles work

The muscle balance gives you a good posture and helps you deliver better swings.

- The tonic muscle shortens and tightens a posture.

- The phasic muscle leads to dynamic movements such as swinging and club movements.

Both muscles react to mental stress making them to stretch and weaken ending up with back pain and imbalance, especially after 40.

What imbalance can do to you?

A player with imbalance could have any one or some of the following:

- A poor posture

- A spinal curve that changes his spinal mechanics

- A restricted torso rotation resulting in a faulty swing

In these cases, tonic muscle of low stimulation will override phasic muscle of high stimulation and affect your swing.

An overview of how the neuromechanical system works

After you want to deliver a good swing, your brain will send messages to restore muscle balance. The impulse is passed through a set of neurons, triggering a neurological command in your brain to make mechanical movements and restore normal balance. There are four neuromechanical factors created by the combination of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems to produce a golf swing. These determine a golfer's readiness to swing. They are:

- Muscle balance and flexibility

- Static and dynamic postural stability

- Strength

- Power

Perfect coordination of these physical and neuromechanical factors will help you deliver a flawless swing. All human muscles are not the same. The mechanical factors - the muscles and the working joints - and the neuro factor - the body's response to the brain's command - govern your game.

Swing path, angle of attack, hitting the sweet spot and club head speed are influenced by muscle balance, flexibility and static and dynamic postural stability but club head speed is also influenced by strength and power. A player with an imbalance or a poor posture alters his spine mechanics which demands his other joints to compensate, such as his torso rotation, affecting his golf swing.

Physical factors that can influence your swing

Therefore, for a better swing you have to:

- Balance the action of the tonic and phasic muscles

- Practice the brain to react instantaneously and send messages

- Restore normal muscle balance

A chiropractor can help you achieve these through simple exercises. Practice makes a man perfect. The more you exercise and practice the better you can play. Tune up your body with the help of a chiropractor to play a better game.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Tips on Golf Exercise That Can Change Your Score

Chiropractors can help golfers to enhance the quality of the game they play. They analyze the physique of the golfer through golf shape Rx and golf body screen and shortlist the golf exercise that could provide golf fitness to the golfer.

Golfer's Dream

Every golfer dreams of playing the best and most fit game. The game demands fitness with flexibility and stamina. A good physique is a must, and can only be attained through exercises. The chiropractor can analyze your physique and prescribe the best course of golf exercise to overcome your physical limitations.

Exercises for Golf Fitness

First your physical limitations should be identified before adapting to a regular exercise schedule. For muscle flexibility and stamina, stretch between each exercise. These warm-ups stabilize your neuromuscular system and ensure golf fitness. Your physical and mental strength are both interlinked. When well coordinated, it can easily help to overcome tiredness and weakness.

Simple Golf Exercise Tips

For perfect golf fitness, chiropractors suggest a few tips for golfers.

a. Walking - tones your heart by strengthening the cardiovascular muscles.
b. Stretches - helps you to warm-up and pushes your performance to the best level
c. Body twist - develops your core and empowers your swing as you twist your torso at hip level with a club in the hands at chest level.
d. Lunges - strengthens your thighs and legs - with one leg forward, bent at knees and the other stretched out touching the ground.
e. Back swing with clubs and weights - stretches the muscles of the core.

For a Good Core Stretch

To keep your game fresh, precise and controlled, you need to do the following:-

1. Exercise your back

The rowing exercises on a seated row machine improve your posture and strengthen the back muscles. At each repetition, squeeze your stomach muscles and exhale. Sit upright throughout the 12 to 24 repetitions.

2. Exercise your arms

This improves your golf swing by increasing your arm strength. Using a barbell, do a 90 degree bend, and stretch each arm by lying flat. With dumbbells at the shoulder, lift overhead with palms facing each other for 12 to 20 repetitions.

3. Exercise your legs

Your legs are the powerhouse and balance toward a good swing. To develop the leg muscles use the incline sled machine and push weights up the incline with your legs; repeat 10 times with each leg. Sit with straightened legs, extend and contract 10 to 15 times.

4. Exercise your abs

Your mid-section supports your back and provides stability for a strong swing. With barbells in hand, stand straight and lift overhead. Direct your mid-section muscles up towards the spine. Take deep breaths to pull your tummy in, hold longer. Doing this 15 to 20 times strengthens your abs.

5. Exercise your wrist

A strong wrist leashes out the power generated by your body for a powerful golf swing. Rotate the hip and the upper torso for a forward swing. Hold the club without wobbling. Mimic your swing to hit a ball. Do weight lifting to exercise your wrist.

6. Exercise your brain for mental fitness

Regular physical exercises provide greater blood flow to the brain and thereby increase your memory.

Chiropractors and golf exercise:

Chiropractors can put you on an golf exercise spree during the off season and help you to develop your physique. Exercises will increase your mobility and flexibility. These motivate your upper and lower body muscle stamina.

Take your chiropractors advice, improve your golf fitness, and play a great game!

Golf - Dealing With Swing Faults

Every golfer aims to perform a perfect golf swing. This muscle-stretching sport needs chiropractic advice and assistance to avoid back-related injuries, get rid of pain due to these injuries, and play better. Many golfers have faults in their swing. Swing faults can break a golfer's career.

What are swing faults?

If your swing affects the club face alignment, swing path, angle of attack, hitting the sweet spot, or club head speed, then you have swing faults. So, review yourself and correct the swing faults.

First analyze your swing and identify the features which cause swing faults. A solution can be found by altering stance, swing amplitude, hip/shoulder turn ratio, grip, etc. Swing faults can be rectified by rectifying the imbalances in the musculoskeletal structures of your body.

The nervous, muscular and skeletal systems combine to create the neuromechanical system which is responsible for a good swing. The neuromechanical system's state of readiness is based on the following.

1. Muscle Balance and Flexibility
2. Static and Dynamic Postural Stability
3. Strength
4. Power

Analyze your performance based on your neuromechanical system and identify the reasons for a faulty swing. Ball flight is controlled by muscle balance and flexibility and static and dynamic postural stability which directly influence joint mechanics, muscle recruitment patterns, and consistency of movement. Strength and power also have a role to play in the angle of attack, club head speed, and hitting the sweet spot.

What can a chiropractor do for you?

A chiropractor can do the following

1. Analyze your physique
2. Help you to improve your game
3. Relieve you of pain.


A chiropractor could run a golf body screen and golf shape Rx and assess and reveal the factors that influence your swing faults by analyzing the following.

• Dynamic & static posture
• Weight distribution
• Weight transfer
• Swing center movement
• Center of gravity positions
• Rotation
• Wrist position
• Head movement
• Spine angles and more

Help you to improve your game

A golf body screen and golf shape Rx help a chiropractor to identify your swing faults, the physical cause, and the corrections necessary to change your game. If you follow a chiropractors's advice, from driving to putting, you will be able to improve your ball striking, to hit the ball farther and with greater consistency, to get stronger and more flexible, and to watch yourself get over the hurdles you have faced so far in playing the game.

Relief from Pain

The golf shape Rx factor becomes dangerous when the swing method does not allow the golfer to keep his shoulder and pelvis parallel. Without this rigid parallelism, the rotational faulty swing will lead to back pain. To get back to the golf link at the earliest, the golfer uses some pain-killers to be relieved of pain. But it only provides a temporary relief. A good chiropractic could relieve you of this pain and help you play better.

The golf swing puts an unusual demand on your body. Due to the unilateral rotation of the spine when you aim for a full swing with your club head, the stress is on your back muscles and you could injure your back, elbows, shoulders, wrists/hands, knees or hips in a swing. So, it is essential that you know yourself first, so that you can avoid being injured and enhance your playing skills with power-packed swings. A chiropractor could be of great help to analyze yourself, improve your game and also get rid of pain in case you are injured.